This was one of my group projects from my senior year at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. We decided to create a Web Application designed for students. The application allows for a profile, admin, and user accounts. I learned alot working with my teamates. One of the hardest parts of this project for me was the testing. We used testcafe for testing purposes with this project. The hard part is when the code compiles for test cafe, but there is a clear error on the page. We ran into this error with our selector component. Debugging was tricky because the component was getting stuck on our isdisplayed function. But nevertheless, we figured it out. We figured out it was due to not having isdisplayed functions for admin and user accounts. Once we figured that, all the rest of the tests worked perfectly.
I also worked alot with creating an abundunce of data. I found alot of notes for each course then inserted them in the private file. More work is to be done with this project, but overall I feel the team performed the best we could.